What We Do



Our philanthropic organization is the Children's Miracle Network, with The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) as our local philanthropic affiliate. Each year, we raise money for kids at this hospital to help cover medical expenses and social services. Every October, PhiDE chapters from across the globe raise money on our day of philanthropy, Stand for the Kids (SFTK). For Fall 2022, our main philanthropy event will be the Anatomy Fashion Show on Saturday, October 15, 2022 at 7:00pm.



Service is another important part of our fraternity. Our chapter participates and volunteers with a number of Philadelphia organizations, such as the American Red Cross, MANNA, the American Lung Association, and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. We have helped to volunteer at races, fundraisers, packaging centers for food and clothes, and much more.


Another really important part of our fraternity is education. Beyond the support we provide one another in our academic classes, we have held event like suturing workshops, med school student panels, and physician speaker events. We also have a piazza page to help our brothers and the rest of Penn's premed community succeed.


We would not be a fraternity without our camaraderie. We hold many social events every year so that the brothers can come together and get closer to each other, such as picnics, date nights, karaoke outings, and formals.